Sammysoap Ingredients
MORE ABYSSINIAN PRODUCTS- Unique molecular structure not found in any other naturally occurring oils
- Light, easily sprayed; has excellent cushioning feeling on skin without greasiness; will not clog pores
- Commonly used in mascara, serums, facial oils and hair treatments
- Highly moisturizing and protecting
Almond, Bitter
MORE BITTER ALMOND PRODUCTS- Though the sweet almond oil used as an emollient is filled with skin-healthy attributes, essential oil of bitter almond is used only for scent
- Bitter almonds are slightly broader and shorter, come from a different tree, and contain only about 50% of the carrier/fixed oil found in sweet almonds
Almond, Sweet
MORE SWEET ALMOND PRODUCTS- Excellent lubricant; nourishes, softens, moisturizes; known to benefit dry, sensitive skin, and suitable for all skin types; easily absorbed, will not block pores; commonly used in baby skincare products; retains glow
- Used for all sorts of skin conditions, benefits inflammation, irritation, aging skin, impurities, dead skin cells, acne, chapped skin and lips, body rashes, dark circles, and crow's feet
- One of the most versatile, multipurpose skin care oils available; commonly used as a massage and face-care oil; considered a medium-light oil; composed of olein, linoleic acid, and glucosides; rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins A, B, and E, which are great for skin health
MORE ANISE PRODUCTS- Used for its powerful licorice aroma, which is a warm, sweet, licorice scent
- Used to sweeten breath
- Carminative, stomachic, stimulant and diuretic.
- In the East it is used to combat colic and rheumatism
MORE ANNATTO PRODUCTS- Seeds from the chiote tree used as natural dye because of its bright orange-red color
- Antioxidant, and rich source of tocotrienols and Vitamin E
MORE AVOCADO PRODUCTS- Loaded with healthy fats, fibers, minerals, and nutrients
- Benefits blood pressure, cardiovascular system, cancer and cancer treatments like chemotherapy, diabetes, inflammation, eye health and conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration
- Antioxidant
- Benefits arthritis and osteoarthritis
MORE BABASSU PRODUCTS- Emollient reputed to benefit both dry and oily skin and known worldwide for its healing properties
- Easily absorbed; moisturizes without leaving oily sheen; forms a protective, soothing coat; draws heat from skin
- Traditionally used for dry, itchy skin, inflamed skin, and eczema
- High content of lauric and myristic acids; contains 70% lipids
Balsam Fir
MORE BALSAM FIR PRODUCTS- Thought to have grounding effect on mind and emotions
- Soothes nervous system, benefits entire respiratory system, and sometimes used to help bronchitis, asthma, stomach cramping, and is antispasmodic.
MORE BASIL PRODUCTS- In Greek, basil means "royal remedy" or "king"
- In the 16th century, powdered basil was used to treat migraines and chest infections
- Benefits include compassion, faith, and clarity
- Commonly used to soothe, uplift, repel insects, battle fatigue, anxiety, depression, colds, flu, hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, muscle aches, insect bites, and stings
MORE BAY PRODUCTS- Bay oil is also considered an analgesic in aromatherapy, and helps in relieving muscle and joint pain and neuralgia.
- Historically used as insect repellent
- Used to help treat dandruff and to give your hair a healthy shine.
MORE BERGAMOT PRODUCTS- Trendy in Napoleonic times as a cologne and perfume, it’s still a common ingredient in such products today
- Thought to fight acne, skin infections, cold sores and psoriasis
- Soothes nerves
Birch, Sweet
MORE SWEET BIRCH PRODUCTS- Supports the muscular and joint systems of the body, benefits inflammation, rheumatism, hypertension, muscle aches and strains, edema
- Benefits oily skin conditions
- Stimulating aroma promotes feelings of strength, warmth, and vitality
- Benefits discovery of inner support and strength, rooting into own center, and increases ability to seek, find, and receive new ways of support, helps break generational patterns, brings healing to relationships, and assists in overcoming feelings of non-support, aloneness, and rejection
- Contains a natural form of methyl salicylate, a compound known for soothing achy muscles and joints
- Widely popular as a joint ache medication.
Blessed Thistle
MORE BLESSED THISTLE PRODUCTS- Antibacterial and antifungal; benefits burns and wounds
- Benefits stimulation of gastric juices and saliva, increases appetite, facilitates digestion, and stimulates flow of bile
- Has been used in alternative cancer treatments
Blue Flag Root
MORE BLUE FLAG ROOT PRODUCTS- Reduces inflammation of the skin and decreases symptoms of skin infections
- Benefits burns, bruises, wounds, and cuts
- Has been said to reduce size of malignant tumors in some cases
- Used for diseases of the liver to improve liver action and secretions of bile
- Benefits chronic rheumatism
- Laxative, diuretic, and emetic; blood cleanser; can benefit lymphatic system
MORE CALENDULA PRODUCTS- Extremely gentle—no known contraindications
- Native to Mediterranean countries, it has been used since ancient times in topical ointments and washes for wounds and ulcers
- Reputed to benefit skin conditions, inflammation, chronic skin ulcers and lesions, burns, cuts, eczema, insect bites, and rashes
- Antiseptic and disinfectant; benefits external infections and wounds and inhibits growth of bacteria and fungi
- Benefits the colon, urinary tract, digestion, respiration, intestinal worms, cardiac health, heart rate, hardening of the arteries, veins, blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Antispasmodic
MORE CASSIA PRODUCTS- Astringent that benefits gums, hair roots, and muscle tone; known as beneficial for the nervous system, brain function and alertness
- Properties thought to benefit depression, nausea, and vomiting; may induce a refreshing feeling after nausea
- Antiviral; helps cough, cold, influenza, and other viral diseases; sometimes used in treatment of diarrhea, menstrual cramps, bloating, headache, fever, arthritis, rheumatism, and microbial growth and infections in the urethra, colon, kidneys and urinary tract; provides relief from joint pain
- Promotes blood and oxygen circulation, stimulation of other bodily functions, metabolism, secretions and discharges
MORE CATNIP PRODUCTS- Oil isolated from catnip by steam distillation is a repellent against insects, in particular mosquitoes, cockroaches and termites.
MORE CEDAR PRODUCTS- Properties thought to help acne, oily skin, greasy hair, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, nervous tension, stress-related disorders, hemorrhoids, congestions, coughs, sinusitis, arthritis, and rheumatism
- Repels moths and bugs
Celery Seed
MORE CELERY SEED PRODUCTS- Thought to benefit wounds, scars, chilblains (for foot bath), toxins, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, kidney stones, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, constipation, high cholesterol, and intestinal gases; considered useful in blood and liver health
- Benefits kidney infection by increasing urination and removing uric acid
MORE CHAMOMILE PRODUCTS- Benefits skin conditions like acne, allergies, boils, burns, cuts, chilblains, dermatitis, eczema, hair care, inflammations, insect bites, rashes, sensitive skin, and wounds
- Benefits muscles and joints, arthritis, inflamed joints, muscular pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, and sprains
- Benefits nervous system, headache, insomnia, nervous tension, migraine and stress-related complaints
Chia Seed
MORE CHIA SEED PRODUCTS- One of the world’s best sources of many important nutrients, calorie for calorie, contains: fiber, protein, fat, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, and vitamins B1, B2, and B3
- Loaded with antioxidants
- Anti-inflammatory; benefits weight loss, brain function, blood, type-2 diabetes, bone strength, and exercise performance
- Traditionally used in treatment of lice, scabies, foot fungus, toothache, and dry heaves; stimulates circulation; warming
- Aphrodisiac; benefits impotence
- Known properties help vaginitis and candida
- Healing clays have been used for thousands of years to treat health issues from indigestion to insect bites
- Comprised mostly of negative ions that work like magnets, bonding to toxins and heavy metals in the body made of positive ions and helping to eliminate them from the body
- Tightens and tones skin, detoxifies; used traditionally in skin and hair-care products
- Natural deodorant for sensitive skin
- Battles illness and poisoning; very alkalizing and balances pH
- Benefits bruises, burns, cuts, scrapes, bee stings, bug bites; makes excellent anti-itch cream
- With silica, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, lithium, and trace elements
- Rebalances, contains regenerative skin properties, removes dead cells, tightens pores, detoxifies, softens, and improves elasticity and texture
- Anti-bacterial, benefits acne, joints, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid and goiter problems
- Known skin tonic, astringent, natural deodorant, insecticide, diuretic, and stimulant
- Antibacterial, analgesic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and diaphoretic
- Widely known insect repellant
- Popular alternative to standard Western allopathic medicine for a variety of problems, including mouth and tooth pain
- Analgesic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, antioxidant, strong radical scavenging ability and anti-parasite
- General tonic and stimulant benefiting tension, acne, muscle spasms, infection, thyroid regulation and memory
- Wildcrafted, hexane-free extraction rich in amino acids, nutrients, and vitamins
- Anti-bacterial and contains anti-aging properties
- Known muscle relaxant, aphrodisiac, and anti-anxiety; promotes clarity and feelings of contentment
Cocoa Butter
- Naturally yellow and when unrefined, nutrients and antioxidants left in place
- Rich emollient with excellent skin softening, conditioning, moisturizing, and lubricating properties
- Benefits skin flexibility and health, stretch marks, and dry skin
- Used as sunscreen by indigenous Pacific Islanders for thousands of years
- Works against the sun’s UV rays but doesn’t block completely like toxic sunscreens proven to be carcinogenic and hormone-disruptive; allows UVB rays to produce vitamin D, an important cancer and cognitive protectant
- Benefits dryness and flaking in the hair and scalp, damaged tissues, infections, digestion, bone health, and the immune system
- Rich in lauric acid that helps maintain blood sugar and cholesterol
- Reported to treat yeast that can lead to infections and candida
- Thought to have been cultivated by Egyptians for use in perfumes thousands of years ago
- Benefits inflammation, rheumatism, arthritis, headaches, and oily skin, eases gas and digestion, and may stimulate the body
- Sedative
- Used for hundreds of years for its remarkable medicinal properties
- Refreshing, antiseptic, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and astringent
- Benefits infection, acne, insect bites, nipple cracks and pain that may accompany breastfeeding, congestion of nose, throat, bronchi, or lungs, asthma, and the common cold
- Promotes cooling that may relieve irritating sensations causing scratching and reduce swelling; helps the inflammation and temperature rise associated with headaches
- Strong anti-inflammatory, thought to benefit skin disorders, pain, inflammation, allergies, encephalomyelitis, colitis, peritonitis, edema, arthritis, cystic fibrosis and cancer
- May promote the production of bone marrow
- Contains natural interferon, immune cells, and high levels of thymoquinone, an excellent antioxidant that enhances the oxidant scavenger system and creates a detoxifying effect
- Antimicrobial, anti-tumor properties, and anti-diabetic; thought to lower blood sugar, regulate immune system, and support T-cell and natural killer cell-mediated immune activity
- Benefits burns, blisters, cuts, wounds, insect bites
- Repels lice and insects
- Known properties thought to be beneficial in treatment of cystitis, fever, colds, flu, headache, muscle aches, pains, sprains, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia, herpes, vaginitis, chicken pox, epidemics, measles, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, and throat infections
- Antibacterial, anti-viral expectorant, purifies, promotes good circulation and respiratory health
- Thought to heal room of negative conflict
Eucalyptus, Lemon
- Recommended by the Centers for Disease Control for protection against mosquitoes that may carry the West Nile Virus; one of the most effective plant-based insect repellents known to repel mosquitoes, biting flies, and deer ticks
- Antiseptic; used to kill fungus and nail fungus; benefits muscle spasms, osteoarthritis, and joint pain
- Commonly used ingredient in products like cough lozenges, ointments, chest rubs, and inhalants for relief of cold and flu symptoms
Evening Primrose
- Called “the most sensational preventive discovery since vitamin C”; contains GLA and vitamin E
- Dilutes sebum, reducing risk of clogged pores and development of lesions, and controlling cells’ use of nutrients
- Produces prostaglandins, which stimulate the contraction of blood vessels; benefits eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, and inflammation
- Benefits said to be anti-cancer
- Traditionally used as an expectorant and to benefit immune system conditions, depression, acne, boils, bronchial problems and asthma
- Elevates and soothes mind and emotions in meditation practices; thought to awaken higher consciousness and spiritual healing
- Analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent
- Regenerative; benefits scars
- Natural deodorant, diuretic, anti-diabetic and natural insecticide
- Thought to be an antidepressant and sedative
- Traditionally considered a tonic, astringent, carminative, analgesic, antibacterial, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and antispasmodic
- Thought to be an aphrodisiac
- Cephalic, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, and stimulant
Ginkgo Leaf
- Thought to improve memory and help dementia
- Benefits multiple sclerosis and prescribed for intermittent claudication (painful walking)
- Flavonoids found in ginkgo biloba may help alleviate retinal problems like macular degeneration, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness, vertigo, sexual dysfunction, and problems associated with PMS
- Native Americans used goldenseal for inflammatory internal conditions such as respiratory, digestive, and genito-urinary tract inflammation induced by allergy or infection
- Herbal antibiotic and immune-system enhancer
- Astringent, facial toner; lymphatic stimulant
- Restorative; thought to induce euphoria
- Properties known to benefit obesity, water retention, cellulite, the gall bladder, and digestion
Hemp Seed
- Considered one of the most nutritional oils available; absorbs well into skin
- Benefits eczema, acne, psoriasis, premature aging, skin elasticity, and hair manageability and shine; super hydrating and anti-inflammatory
- Healthy skin contains natural lipids called ceramides which keep the skin moisturized; insufficient ceramide levels cause dryness and irritation, rendering skin more malleable to environmental damage and aging. Hemp seed oil is 80% essential fatty acids, higher than any other plant on Earth, and the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 so closely matches skin lipids that hemp actually penetrates the cells and lubricates the surface between them. No other oil can do this.
- Exceptionally rich in amino acids and proteins, Omega 3, 6, and 9, and vitamins A, C, E, and D; contains less than 10% saturated fats, 70-80% polyunsaturated fatty acids, and high levels of chlorophyll
- Does not contain Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Icelandic Moss
- A lichen, which consists of algae and fungus growing together in a mutually helpful relationship
- Contains lichen acids (including usnic acid) and polysaccharides (about 50%)
- Contains lichenin, a glutinous, starchy mucilage which forms a protective barrier around inflamed tissue and benefits mucous membranes of the chest
- Used since ancient times as a cough remedy and for chest and bronchial ailments; rich in mucilages commonly added to commercial cough remedies
- Benefits poorly healing wounds and reduces the growth of bacteria
- Fatty acid profile almost identical to human skin
- Number one blending oil; easily absorbed, provides an excellent delivery system for essential oils that are then more easily absorbed and made readily available for their therapeutic effects on the mind, body, and soul
- Rich in vitamin E—an anti-inflammatory antioxidant
- Often used to create a barrier that protects skin against the elements and to treat imbalances in the skin, like psoriasis or eczema
Juniper Berry
- Tonic for the entire system
- Commonly used to tone skin and benefit acne, dermatitis, cellulitis, wounds, hair loss, eczema and oily complexions
- Traditionally used to boost immunity and help fight colds, flu, arthritis, rheumatism, kidney stones, gout, genital warts, itchy vulva and jock itch
- Thought to reduce anxiety, nervous tension and stress-induced ailments
- Benefits sufferers of obesity, hemorrhoids, amenorrhea, cystitis, dysmenorrhea and leucorrhea, a diuretic
- Fortifying and soothing
- Anti-inflammatory
- Benefits mental fatigue, headache, sciatica, and muscle pain
- Traditionally used in Madagascar after childbirth
- Exceptionally high percentage of sesquiterpenes (about 67.5%) which are molecules that readily cross the blood/brain barrier, bringing increased amounts of oxygen and healing properties to the central nervous system
- Benefits quality of the eye's corneal layer encourages skin's natural hydration mechanisms
- Used commonly as a fragrance fixative
- Benefits colds, virus infections, mouth ulcers, the respiratory system, muscle aches and pains, arthritis, insect repellent, and sinus headache
- Said to be stimulating and uplifting
- Powerful tonic for the entire system
- Thought to contain properties beneficial to insomnia, depression, headache, symptoms of PMS, acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, insect bites and stings and ringworm
- Sedative, muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory
- Thought to benefit hiccups, asthma and bronchitis
- Promotes cell regeneration that may benefit fingernails, wrinkles, blemishes, chapped skin, cellulite, scar tissue, stretch marks, corns, and warts
- Antibacterial, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antiviral
- Promotes a good appetite, circulation, and kidney and liver health
- Properties thought to help nausea, colds, sore throats, cold sores, constipation, obesity, and symptoms of PMS
- Sedative
- Recommended by the Centers for Disease Control for protection against mosquitoes that may carry the West Nile Virus; one of the most effective plant-based insect repellents known to repel mosquitoes, biting flies, and deer ticks
- Antiseptic; used to kill fungus and nail fungus; benefits muscle spasms, osteoarthritis, and joint pain
- Commonly used ingredient in products like cough lozenges, ointments, chest rubs, and inhalants for relief of cold and flu symptoms
Mango Butter
- Has natural emollient properties and high oxidative ability
- Regenerative and moisturizing; benefits wrinkles, dry skin, fine lines, rashes, peeling skin after tanning, UV radiation, blemishes, small skin wounds, cracks, sunburn, eczema, dermatitis, tough and rough skin, frostbite, stretch marks, poison ivy, poison oak, itchiness, and insect bites
- Thought to protect against UV radiation
- Effective shaving cream
- Benefits muscle fatigue, aches, and tension
May Chang
- Antiseptic, deodorant, disinfectant, and insect repellent
- Properties thought to treat acne, dermatitis, greasy skin, spots, excessive perspiration, flatulence, and indigestion
- Used for hundreds of years for its remarkable medicinal properties
- Refreshing, antiseptic, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and astringent
- Benefits infection, acne, insect bites, nipple cracks and pain that may accompany breastfeeding, congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi, or lungs, asthma, and the common cold
- Promotes cooling that may relieve irritating sensations the cause scratching, and reduces swelling; helps the inflammation and temperature rise associated with headaches
- Energizing, natural stimulant thought to promote brain function and memory retention, recharges your batteries, and helps sluggishness, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and mental alertness
- Promotes the activation of salivary glands which stimulate digestive enzymes, supports weight loss, and healthy digestion; palate-cleaner; traditionally used to help indigestion, inflammation, nausea, and motion sickness
- Famous for its purification characteristics
- Ancient Greek soldiers carried myrrh into battle for its psychic protection and first aid use; other ancient peoples used it in religious and death ceremonies
- Cools the skin, reduces wrinkles, and used as a salve for wounds and cuts; a favorite ingredient in the treatment of athlete’s foot, ringworm, eczema, and chapped, cracked and mature skin
- Astringent, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antiviral; expectorant; hormone-like; benefits wasting diseases
- Regulates all secretions of the body, promotes menstruation, moderates the thyroid, and has been the subject of recent research on leukemia and blood-cholesterol levels
- Calms sexual excitement
- Used as a mouthwash and on ulcerated throats and mouth sores
- Activates upper chakras, calms fear of the future, and expands awareness and past-life memories
- Used for thousands of years as a medicinal plant
- Called "Queen of the Skin," "A Tree for Solving Global Problems," and "The Village Pharmacy" for its ability to support so many organs and organ systems of the body
- Rich in liminoids, compounds, and vitamin E; used for acne, eczema, psoriasis, chicken pox, burns, and wrinkles
- Supports the outer skin by supporting the inner skin—the skin lining the intestinal wall, allowing healthy proliferation of good gut microbes; may benefit digestion, intestinal environments, and intestinal flora
- Benefits the health of white blood cells, which have a healing, protective function in support of a healthy lymph system, where researchers believe 80% of the body’s immune system works
- Antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, cooling, and anti-parasitic
- A natural insect repellant used extensively in animal care and as an herbal, organic agricultural spray; called the "wonder spray" of organic gardeners; nontoxic to humans and rarely harmful to beneficial insects
- Strong psycho and digestive stimulant; alleviates mental fatigue
- Circulatory sedative, analgesic for pain, and neurotonic
- Benefits bacterial infections, sore joints, arthritis, gout, asthma, muscular aches, pains, circulation and rheumatism
- Said to help indigestion, nausea and flatulence
- Thought to benefit frigidity, impotence, neuralgia and nervous fatigue
- Soothes, softens, and acts as a natural, deep-penetrating moisturizer, used to maintain skin’s moisture barrier; prevents and protects dry skin
- Properties known to restore skin’s normal pH
- Benefits skin irritations, like itching, includes natural antihistamines
- Promotes revitalization of dull skin; helps treat fine lines and wrinkles
- Antiseptic and disinfecting; beneficial to colds, flu, constipation, kidney and gallbladder problems, digestion, gas, obesity, and water retention
- Calming, nerve sedative; thought to help in treatment of depression, nervous tension, stress, emotional worry, and insomnia
- Energizing; promotes courage
- Promotes collagen production, which is the key to cell reproduction and repair, and benefits pores, age spots, acne, and scars with skin-lightening properties
- Rich in vitamins and nutrients; benefits the immune system
- Anti-inflammatory; helps stings and bites, pain, the liver and kidneys, digestion, blood pressure, joint pain, stiff muscles, and tired eyes, and helps flush excess fluid from the body
- Properties known to benefit growth of new cells, inflammation, cuts, wounds, scars, oily hair and skin, sexual problems, including impotency, loss of libido, erectile dysfunctions, frigidity, and sexual anxiety
- Known diuretic, astringent, natural deodorant, fungicide, insecticide, aphrodisiac, antidepressant, and sedative
- Distinctive earthy, spicy, musky aroma popular in cologne and aromatherapy
Pepper, Black
- Benefits sluggish, dull skin, and balances oily skin conditions
- Pepper is one of the oldest known spices and was used in India 4000 years ago
- Attila the Hun is said to have demanded a ransom of 3,000 pounds of black peppercorns for the city of Rome
- Used on chilblains, a painful, itching swelling on the skin, typically on a hand or foot, and caused by poor circulation in the skin when exposed to cold
- Considered immune and digestive systems booster, stimulates a poor appetite
- Benefits aches, pains, neuralgia, circulation, muscle tone, rheumatic pain, stiffness, sprains, bruising, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, heartburn, nausea, colds, flu, and viruses
- Benefits poor concentration and an apprehensive state of mind
- Peppermint is a hybrid plant—a cross between spearmint and watermint
- Used in Egypt thousands of years ago as a digestive aid; commonly used for stomach problems, and flatulence
- Analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial, astringent, antispasmodic; known vasoconstrictor, expectorant, stimulant, and sedative
- Traditionally used to soothe and cool skin irritations
- Air freshener
- Natural insecticide
- Tones skin and benefits acne, greasy skin and excessive perspiration
- Antiseptic and antispasmodic
- Deodorizes and benefits stomach ache, stress, nervous exhaustion and insomnia
- A naturally occurring, floating volcanic rock that has been ground into a superfine powder
- Perfect as an exfoliant for dry, rough skin
- Historically used for its exalted, signature scent
- Benefits that are analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antiviral
- An aphrodisiac and sedative, said to promote spiritual love
- Acts as an stringent, benefits that are disinfecting, deodorizing, diuretic, and hepatic
- Thought to help fight lung congestion, bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, dry skin, cystitis, ear infection, and cramps
- Commonly used in aromatherapy and massage to aid memory and mental and chronic fatigue
- Especially beneficial for babies and the elderly
- Anti-infectious, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal; cell stimulant and tissue regenerator
- Traditionally used in the treatment of acne, dermatitis, scars, wounds, wrinkles and general skin care, great for sensitive, dry, dull and combination skin
- Thought to help nervous system problems, frigidity, headaches, nervous tension, stress-related conditions, immune system conditions, nausea, colds, coughs, fever and infections
- Stimulates the immune system; stabilizes and balances the central nervous system
- Uplifts, enlightens and calms during meditation; used to benefit low energy and jet lag
- Aphrodisiac; treats vaginal candida; may aid sufferers of sexual abuse
- Rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, and fatty acids that moisturize, soothe, and smooth skin
- Properties known to benefit elasticity, acne, inflammation, impurities, toxins, and cellulite
- Rich in iodine; benefits iodine deficiency, and hair growth
- Traded and used for over four millennia, saffron has always been among the world's most costly spices, and is derived from the vivid crimson stigmas, called threads, of the Crocus sativus flower
- Despite its disease-preventing and health promoting properties, saffron is used mainly as a seasoning and coloring agent is dishes and textiles because of its unique golden-yellow color
- Good source of minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, zinc, and magnesium
- Rich in many vital vitamins, including vitamin A, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin-C
- Contains properties known to be antiseptic, anticonvulsant, benefits depression, and digestive problems, like upset stomach
- Benefits the body's ability to protect against oxidant-induced stress, cancers, and infections, and acts as an immune modulator
- Iran accounts for 90% of world production of saffron
- The saffron crocus is "self-incompatible" and male sterile, hence incapable of independent sexual reproduction
- Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and insecticidal
- Benefits acne, oily skin and hair, fine lines, inflamed conditions, cellulite, aches, and pains
- Antibacterial; especially helpful for staph
- Antifungal; may help strep, pseudomonas, candida, and herpes
- Increases circulation; nerve and adrenal stimulante
- Australian Sandalwood trees are abundant and in no way endangered like the East Indian Sandalwood
- Benefits acne; decongestant for the lymph and venous system; heart tonic, may benefit cardiac fatigue; helps bladder, strep and staph infections
- Aphrodisiac; said to help impotence and venereal diseases, especially gonorrhea
- Sedative; may fight depression
- Good for meditation, said to open third eye
- Rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, and fatty acids that moisturize, soothe, and smooth skin
- Properties known to benefit skin elasticity, acne, inflammation, impurities, toxins, and cellulite
- Rich in iodine; benefits iodine deficiency and hair growth
- One of the oldest oilseed crops known, domesticated well over 3000-3500 years ago, records from Babylon and Assyria, dating 4000 years ago mention sesame
- Egyptians called sesame sesemt, and it is included in the list of medicinal drugs in the scrolls of the Ebers Papyrus dated over 3600 years old
- One of the highest oil contents of any seed, with a rich, nutty flavor, it is a common ingredient in cuisines across the world
- Used in traditional medicines for their nutritive, preventive, and curative properties
- An important source of phyto-nutrients such as omega-6 fatty acids, flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants, vitamins, and dietary fiber with potential anti-cancer and health promoting properties
- Rich in calories, an excellent source of essential nutrients, high in protein, dietary fiber, and total fat, particularly rich in B vitamins and the dietary minerals manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc
Shea Butter
- Unique fatty acid profile coupled with butter’s high level of non-saponifiables make it a highly effective emollient
- Protects against UV aggressions, moisturizes and heals, promotes skin elasticity, acts as a decongestant, and helps treat scarring, wrinkles, stretch marks, chapped or irritated skin, inflammation, sprains, and arthritis
- Promotes cell regeneration and capillary circulation
- Used since ancient times for digestive conditions, headaches, and scabs; benefits nausea, menstrual problems, and metabolism, to burn fats and toxins
- Anti-cancer, sometimes applied to tumors, dry skin, and eczema; repels insects and rodents; formerly used for strewing (thrown about)
- Benefits hepatitis, sore gums, gall bladder, kidney stones, and intestinal spasms; relaxes stomach muscles
- Thought to help stress and anxiety, opens and releases emotional blocks, assists in overcoming negative emotions, balances, and helps people establish safe boundaries and feel protected
- Antimicrobial, antiseptic skin tonic
- Benefits digestive problems, gas, and colic; diuretic and antispasmodic
- Said to be hypnotic
Tea Tree
- Introduced to Captain Cook by the Gweagal tribe of Indigenous Australians in the area now known as Sydney
- Benefits dandruff and a wide variety of skin infections, acne, athlete’s foot, herpes, chicken pox, warts, age spots, tick bites, and lice
- 5% tea tree oil shown to be as effective as 5% benzoyl peroxide for treating acne
- 10% tea tree oil two times daily for six months cured fungal toenail infection in 18% of people who tried it
- Powerful antiseptic properties; immune stimulant, anti-infectious, anti-parasite, and antimicrobial; helps colds and flu, and penetrates pus
- Helps protect against radiation, benefits blisters, burns, cold sores, dental abscesses, candida, and roundworms, and acts as anesthetic after shock
- Beneficial to digestive system, ear, nose, and throat conditions, and asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, tuberculosis, and whooping cough
- Widely used in mouthwash
- Thought to alleviate genital infections in men and women
- Recorded in one of the oldest Egyptian medical texts circa 1550 BC
- Used traditionally as a natural skin conditioner, benefits aged skin, oily skin, breakouts, and scars
- Natural antibiotic; benefits respiratory problems like colds, gout, arthritis, wounds, bites, sores, athlete’s foot, menstrual problems, nausea, water retention, fatigue, hangovers, and hair loss
- Contains properties that naturally repel insects and parasites like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, and moths
- Benefits mind, memory, concentration, and nerves; thought to work against depression
- Contains lycopene, phytoene, and phytofluene, low in sodium, and very low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It is also a good source of Vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, magnesium and potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), copper and manganese
- Contains Vitamin C and collagen, essential components of healthy skin, hair, nails and connective tissue
- Benefits reliant on vitamin C, a deficiency that leads to scurvy. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, a low intake is associated with increased damage from sunlight, pollution and smoke, leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, blemishes and other adverse health effects
- Research suggests a correlation between tomato consumption and reduced prostrate cancers
- Folic Acid benefits healthy pregnancy, depression, eye health, constipation
- Long used as a powerful anti-inflammatory in both Chinese and Indian medicine
- Benefits jaundice, toothache, bruising, colic, menstrual discomfort and inflammation
- Widely used in the cosmetic industry for scent and anti-aging benefits
- Rich in minerals, vitamins, niacin, thiamin, B6, antioxidants, and pantothenic acid, which play important roles in healthy skin and overall health
- Helps prevent and reverse skin damage caused by free radicals, environmental pollutants, and toxins; reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots and aids the healing of wounds
- Antibacterial; helps acne, soothes burns, cuts, and wounds
- Replete with cancer-fighting antioxidant properties
- Used in many hair products because of its many hair-healthy nutrients; helps make hair silky, shiny, and smooth and promotes hair growth
- Aphrodisiac; benefits impotence, sterility, anxiety, and depression
- Warming, soothing, and calming; said to activate the 1st chakra, which illuminates feelings of safety, security, and sense of belonging
- Aids weight loss, nausea, and digestive disorders as well as coughs, sore throats, headache, and fever
- The “Vetiver System” is an ecological solution for erosion control in over 100 island countries; growing vetiver is good for the environment
- It’s the primary ingredient in 36% of high-end perfumes in the western world, including Chanel No. 5 and Opium
- Promotes cell regeneration, oxygenation and soft skin
- Properties benefit circulation, red blood cells, skin hydration, the detoxification of connective tissue, and the epidermis through capillary stimulation
- Antispasmodic, pancreas stimulant and used to ease off tranquilizers
- Used to help acne, pains, sprains, stiffness, cuts, irritated wounds, impotence, frigidity, post-partum depression, insomnia, physical and mental exhaustion, depression, arthritis, depressed immune systems and liver congestion
- Thought to promote a balanced central nervous system, ground to earth, stimulate vitality, clean aura and strengthen auric shield
- Great source of beta-carotene, acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, B-vitamins, vitamin C, and high concentrations of chemicals called tannins, which can reduce pain and swelling and dries body fluids such as mucous
- Benefits acne, herpes, cold sores, athlete’s foot, candida, sexually transmitted infections, malaria, parasites and other infections including diphtheria, syphilis and leukemia
- Antifungal, antiseptic, laxative
- Traditionally used as a hair dye
Ylang Ylang
- Exotic, almost narcotic; thought to be an aphrodisiac
- Widely used in perfumery, important notes in Chanel No. 5, Carnation, and Lily of the Valley
- Antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant, and expectorant
- Benefits cell proliferation and facial muscles and adds shine to hair
- Mentally uplifting; thought to be mildly sedative and decrease stress and anxiety
- Benefits blood pressure, heartbeat, hyperactivity, and impotence